May Newsletter – BMSB/Product Emissions/Illegal Logging
Dear valued client,
Wow! How quickly the first half of this year is flying by.
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB)
The 1st of May sees the end of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Season (BMSB) for 2018-2019. Shipments which departed on or before the 30th of April 2019 are still subject to the season measures until the last have been cleared. Unfortunately, this means only 109 days until the next season is due to commence (1st September 2019). The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR) have published their proposed season measures for the upcoming year. The BMSB has unfortunately spread across Europe and from the USA into Canada. The upcoming season has grown from 10 target risk countries to 33 target risk countries. All Seafreight consignments (FCL, LCL, Breakbulk, Open Tops, Flat Racks – anything moving via vessel) are subject to the measures.

We will send out another newsletter when the 2019-2020 season measures are published, however please ensure you and your suppliers are aware of the proposed measures so you can begin preparing. As per this recent season, if shipments arrive which required mandatory off shore treatment, the goods will not be allowed to be discharged from the vessel and will be subject to immediate export, costs to be worn by the importer.
Proposed season measures 2019-2020 – http://www.agriculture.gov.au/import/before/brown-marmorated-stink-bugs/proposed-2019-20-seasonal-measures#what-are-the-proposed-201920-bmsb–season-target-risk-countries
If you have any further questions please contact the import team – import@tayper.com.au
Product Emission Standards Reminder
Are you importing products which are regulated? New petrol-powered outdoor powered equipment and marine engines?
What is included:
– New petrol powered engines <19kw used to power household and commercial equipment
– New petrol powered engines used to propel marine vessels
What is not included:
– Second-hand products
– ATVs
– Electric products
– Scale model engines
– Specialised competition engines

If you are intending to import these products, please ensure you have the required certification on hand which is required at the time of entry processing. More information on the certification can be found on the Department of Environments website, which includes Frequently Asked Questions for importers.
Visit: https://www.environment.gov.au/protection/emissions-standards/faqs
If you have any further questions please contact the broker team – broker@tayper.com.au
Illegal Logging Reminder
Illegal logging isn’t just for timber importers! If you are importing paper, paper products, timber, timber products including furniture you are required to ensure you are meeting your due diligence and have a plan in place. The Department of Agriculture & Water Resources (DAWR) have well passed the soft-start to compliance and audits and penalties for breaches for failing to show due diligence are enforce.

More information can be found on the Department of Agriculture & Water Resources website – www.agriculture.gov.au/illegal-logging/