Asbestos Update
VIP REMINDER – A must read for all importers!
It is a recommendation from the CBFCA that we remind our importing clients of their requirements to ensure they are not importing goods which contain asbestos or asbestos containing material. It is the importer’s responsibility to ensure that due diligence has been exercised and evidence to support is on hand.
We have received notification via the Customs Brokers and Forwarders Council of Australia (CBFCA) that Australian Border Force has published a new notice (DIBP Notice 2017/21 – Assurances that imported goods do not contain asbestos) which replaces and repeals DIBP notice 2016/30.
The full notice can be read on this link: http://www.border.gov.au/Customsnotices/Documents/dibp-notice-2017-21.pdf
In our previous newsletters we have provided weblinks and factsheets with information on asbestos that importers need to know. For your reference, we have included these again for your review and actioning. See below links.
Australian Border Force are holding consignments at the border for testing and requesting evidence that due diligence has been undertaken by the importer. Consignments are being selected for testing if acceptable evidence is not provided and any goods being imported and found to have asbestos or asbestos containing material are incurring hefty penalties as it is a prohibited import.
Information on meeting due diligence on the below link and factsheet as previously provided:
As the importer you must ensure you have completed due diligence and have on hand evidence to support your claim of zero asbestos. You then complete an importer’s declaration and provide it to us so we in turn have the required information to correctly declare and answer the lodgement questions against your import declaration for you. To provide further support in this area we have updated our importer’s asbestos declaration. This declaration is required for all consignments which we are asked the community protection question on your behalf. We appreciate your cooperation with this.
A copy can be downloaded from our website via the below link.
If you require further information after reading this newsletter and attached links please contact broker@tayper.com.au