July Newsletter

July 05, 2018

5th July 2018

Well end of financial year is a wrap! Welcome all to financial year 2018-2019 and our July newsletter!!  You would know from previous newsletters that with the new financial year has come many changes and introductions to new requirements.

Changes include, GST on low value imports, new packing declaration formats, product emission standards, changes to some statistical codes, reductions in some duty rates, food labelling requirements, increased fuel levy and the introduction of Infrastructure and weighing charges for FCL containers in Adelaide.  These are just a few of the main changes within the industry.

To recap, please see below and ensure your team and suppliers are aware of the changes which may affect your consignments.

GST on low value imports

New Packing Declaration format

Product Emission Standards

Changes to some statistical codes & reductions in some duty rates https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/Customsnotices/Documents/home-affairs-2018-20.pdf

Food Labelling requirements

Fuel Levy Increase

Infrastructure & Weighing charges

Now to the new topics, please see below:

General Rate Increase – APL

Effective the 15th July 2018, APL will apply a GRI to all tariff and service contract rates within the following scope.  Origin Asia (except Japan), Australia, New Zealand, East Africa – Destinations Canada, USA (except Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands).  Origin Middle East, West Asia – Destinations Canada, USA (except Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands).  If you have any questions regarding the GRI, please contact export@tayper.com.au

No Import Permit, Goods will be exported!

Do your goods require an import permit? Is your permit current?  Please note the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources have advised they will not facilitate the clearance of goods that require an import permit under Biosecurity legislation, as stipulated in the Biosecurity Import Conditions (BICON) system, where those goods arrive in Australia without a valid import permit.  Goods that require a permit, but arrive without one, will be directed for export or required to be destroyed in an approved manner, at the importer’s expense.  Please contact broker@tayper.com.au if you have any queries regarding this requirement.

Cannabis Oil seizures

Following a national spike in attempted cannabis oil imports, the Australian Border Force (ABF) is reminding consumers that it remains illegal to import cannabis products from overseas.  Please review the above notice from Australian Border Force for more information.

Don’t be a Jeff – Watch the Department of Agriculture & Water Resources new biosecurity videos.

Meet Jeff.  Jeff is pretty careless when it coms to Biosecurity and his actions could have far greater effects than he realises.  Don’t be a Jeff and put Australia’s biosecurity at risk!

As always, please contact one of our friendly team if you have any questions about topics on our newsletter.

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